Category: Uncategorized


The Great Summer Snowstorm of 2020

Off Grid CTO: Labor Day and Storms Welcome to this installment of life living off the grid as CTO of ModelOp guiding our technical vision of managing Machine Learning/AI models in the enterprise.  Today, we are actually going to talk about something very different than I originally thought. ...


Power (Monitoring) to the People

Off Grid CTO: Monitoring Power Usage In this week’s blog post, about living life off the grid while working as the CTO of ModelOp, a great startup developing software for managing AI resources in your enterprise, we are going to look at an actual hardware and software project...


Water, The Lifeblood of the Wilderness

Off Grid CTO: Water This week we will continue our series about living off the grid working for ModelOp as their CTO designing advanced software for managing your ML/AI models in an enterprise environment. In this week’s post, we are going to look at the challenges of living...


Communications Off The Grid

Communications Off the Grid This is the fourth post in my series about living off the grid working for ModelOp as their CTO designing advanced software for managing your ML/AI models in an enterprise environment. In this week’s article we are going to examine how do you actually...


Beetles, Wood, and Projects

  The Mighty Beetle This is the third post in my series about living off the grid working for ModelOp as their CTO designing advanced software for managing your ML/AI models in an enterprise. In this week’s article we are going to talk about an unfortunate reality here...


A Highly Capable, but Low Power PC

  Working on a Laptop Only Goes So Far…. Welcome again to my blog on working as the CTO of ModelOp while living off the grid at 10,200 feet in Colorado.  See my previous blog post for more details on how I got here, and feel free to peruse...


Welcome to Off Grid CTO!

Living Off The Grid as a CTO Let me first introduce myself.  I am Jim Olsen, and have recently been living off the grid full time, working as the chief technology officer for a high tech startup, ModelOp.  We develop software for managing your AI models and business, and...